
Left bank brokerage after 9 years in May of 2016, most firms fight independence and knew there would be challenges. I am still in the process of transitioning my ___ has been very difficult as WFA has slandered and defamed me to former clients and added 2 false disclosures that I am challenging with FINRA.I say all this so that I am completely transparent. have joined a large local firm that I am excited to be a part of.I am looking to purchase a small practice between 10mm-20mm and expand my book.Looking for mostly practices where a larger portion of assets in fee-based.I also can pay cash and do not need to finance a ___ there is a larger deal,l I may also have a well-established partner who may work with me to buy.

Last Activity
within 2 months
Listing Updated
Dec. 21, 2023

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers


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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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