
RIA with 70% 403B clients and 30% individual clients. Firm totals 500 clients mostly at Institutions of Higher Education. Top 15% of clients have minimum $1,000,000 account size and top 30% of clients have minimum $500,000 account size, and have been clients for 25+ years. 98% of the business is fee based. In business in for 43 years. Mostly retirement plans with over 400 clients contributing monthly to their plans. .I have been with the same BD for 36 years.

I'm looking to sell my business to a large advisory firm with the adequate team in place to be able to properly service and maintain my clients. Most of my career has been focused on the 403B market in institutions of higher education. Being associated with Fidelity, I have access to most major institutions of higher education nationwide, and therefore we have clients all over the United States.

I have all the necessary materials, resources, and skills needed to train all incoming advisors within the new firm on the 403B markets - from back office, working with the human resources department, dealing with Fidelity, all the way to sales. I would like to stay on and develop a 403B strategy and open up offices nationwide.
If interested please send contact information and some information about your firm.

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6 months or more

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