
We work with individuals and families primarily in a comprehensive, financial and retirement planning capacity. We are truly independent in our approach, message, advice and strategy implementations. I bring the unique expertise of having been a former stock exchange floor trader/market maker and world ranked private fund manager to the application of client strategies and portfolio management. My team and I provide extraordinary levels of communication, education and engagement to our clients. I was honored to be a recipient of a '2015 Wealth Manager' award. My team and I are looking to help an advisor/planner who is looking to transition out of the business or merge for more growth. We feel very strongly that we 'do this business the right way' and would be honored to chat with you in an effort toward helping you make the transition that is right for you, your family and your clients. Please consider contacting us to see if we can help...

Last Activity
6 months or more

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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