
My team and I would welcome a conversation about a buyout / merger.
We are the top ranked team in the country at our firm. We currently have a team of 14, with a full time CFP on staff, and serve as a personal CFO / fiduciaries for about 75 families each and $2B in total client assets.
We are planning based, coordinating everything of a financial nature in their lives, and focused on service, communication and performance.
We use mainly SMA strategies, individual fixed income securities, and ETF's where it makes sense for money management. We also do a lot of alternative investments for our higher net worth clients.
Would you like to set up a call to discuss what we can offer you and why it would make perfect sense to merge with us? It also may make a lot of sense for you financially compared to other opportunities. I look forward to hearing from you.

Please feel free to contact me anytime - ___-___-____; ___

Last Activity
6 months or more

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian


Third Party Money Managers


Mutual Funds


Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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