
Looking to expand my personal practice by buying an existing book of business to add to the clientele that I serve. Average HH AUM must be at least 500k. Ideally someone who is looking to transition out of the business due to retirement. I am 42 and started my career 20 yrs ago. My practice focus is comprehensive wealth management with a heavy focus on the planning side. I have 1 junior advisor that I plan to transition the lower AUM accounts. I am also the Co-Founder of our back office provider that serves as our RIA, which currently manages over 850M AUM. Do to my unique structure utilizing my RIA as the back office provider, my personal practice is highly profitable with very low overhead. Currently use Charles Schwab as a custodian, Orion for reporting, and Emoney for planning.

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Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers


Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities


Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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