
Our firm has doubled in size in the past year, now advising $200M in assets. We are poised to grow through acquisition in markets radiating out from Springfield, Missouri. This means Kansas City, Columbia, St. Louis, Little Rock, Tulsa and smaller towns and cities between Springfield and those areas. Our CEO has 31 years experience in the space and is invested in developing younger advisors with a view to ultimately sell the firm to an ESOP owned by those same advisors.

Our clientele are primarily Mom & Pop retirees with assets of $1M+ and business owners looking for tax strategies. Our team includes IRS certified tax strategists and certified public accountants formerly employed by the IRS.

We bring weekly television and radio into the markets we open, supporting them with local educational workshops.

Last Activity
within 3 months

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business


Technology Solutions


CRM Systems
