
We are a 4 person startup that designs and distributes porfolios focusing on Momentum and Cryptocurrencies.

We manage 3 hedge funds. One focused on Momentum and two on Cryptocurrency. Performance on the funds has been exceptional and can be found at ___ and ___ Currently each fund holds around 750k.

We also offer we fully quantitative SMA momentum portfolios that use ETFs to gain exposure to diverse global indexes currently housed with Interactive Brokers. They have 18 months of good track record so far and 3.5mm in assets.

We are looking to merge with an established RIA that has a desire to offer alternative investment opportunities to their clients and to offer alternative investments to other RIAs on a sub advisory basis. It is going to take us too long to get big enoughto offer our strategies on the Schwab platform without a partnership. We are well capitalized and have two series 65s on the team.

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Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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