
We are a well-capitalized agency buyer that pays cash and have grown significantly since our inception in 2008. We currently have over 720 retail locations in 19 states and generate over $530MM in annualized revenues. Our Company operates using two agency platforms, which we keep separate from a branding, location and operational perspective. Our platforms include: 1) preferred agencies (standard – preferred personal lines and small – midsize commercial); and 2) non-standard auto agencies We have completed some meaningful acquisitions of standard-preferred personal and small-midsize commercial agencies throughout the U.S. over the past 4.5 years and we are interested in furthering these endeavors.

Last Activity
6 months or more
Listing Updated
Dec. 21, 2023

Business Data

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Life Insurance Business

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Health Insurance Business

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Auto Insurance Business

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Home Insurance Business

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Commercial Insurance Business


Other Insurance Business

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Agency Management System

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