
This Overview was revised March 1st, 2018.
Seeking to sell to or merge with a larger, established securities office. Seeking to work at the firm for 3-8 years before being completely bought out. Seeking to sell to or merge with a larger firm in 2023. The ideal buyer candidate is a well established firm that has experience with variable annuities and mutual fund asset allocation. The ideal candidate is primarily fee based or transitioning to fee based but is also comfortable with commission based representatives. The ideal firm uses both financial planning software and money management services. Only interested in candidates with established service team and utilizing financial planning software, especially eMoney.

Last Activity
within 6 months

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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