
I manage clients' investment accounts by doing an asset allocation model of various funds. I have $85,000,000 under management and work on a C share model (I use A shares if I can get the client over the $500,000 breakpoint). My average asset fee is about 0.7%. I also help clients with tax planning, aspects of estate planning, and 401-k management. I have 7 401-k plans in effect currently and am in the process of taking over two more.
The fund companies I use are American Funds, Franklin/Templeton, Fidelity Advisor, and Oppenheimer, respectively.
I have about $8,000,000 with variable annuities using Lincoln Life and Nationwide. I use VA for clients that are in both a high tax bracket and in a profession with a high potential of have a judgment due to a lawsuit (Ob/Gyns, surgeons, cardiologists, and doctors in general).

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers


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Variable Annuities

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CRM Systems

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