
We have a hybrid fee/commission & insurance practice with offices in Stratham and Meredith New Hampshire We have 3 advisors, a registered non-licensed assistant and 2 fixed insurance producers. We have a B/D relationship and serve as IARs with Cambridge. We are open to looking at new/different RIA relationships, with the understanding that we are not leaving our B/D or becoming fee only. We utilize a lot of individual securities (especially in the income space) and utilize mutual funds and annuities only when we must. (403(b), SIMPLE IRAs, and Medicaid planning. We build all of our own portfolios and rarely use any 3rd party managers.

We also have an independent full service insurance agency, with offereings in both L&H and P&C.

We are absolutely interested in working with advisors who are transitioning out of the industry, adding new advisors and/or adding new insurance producers. Or maybe you're looking for a way to expand your offereing, without having to do all of the work to expand your offering. We can porbably help. And even if you don't think you're interested in doing something else/more/different, I promise meeting us will be a productive use of your time.

Thank you for reading this long. I hope to hear from you soon.


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