
Hi, My name is Thomas Haug, President of A.W. Jones Private Advisors, I am interested in speaking to you about your practice and explore if there is any potential for us to acquire your practice or be collaborative.

A bit about us:

A.W. Jones is generally regarded the first hedge fund, and one of the first fund of funds. For almost 70 years we have focused on providing individuals, families, endowments and foundations with a disciplined investment approach. We are applying the same philosophy to A.W. Jones Private Advisors, a comprehensive wealth management offering with an emphasis on alternative investments. Our investment philosophy has withstood the test of time, as we have navigated many market cycles over the decades. We believe this is a testament to our investing philosophy and commitment to our clients.

The Firm’s longevity and success owes much to our proprietary manager selection process. We combine experienced investment managers who have honed their craft over many years and market-cycles, with emerging managers, who manage smaller funds or niche strategies that have the potential for higher alpha. We believe this mixture of experienced and emerging managers helps drive results while mitigating risk. We apply those same core investment principles to create a comprehensive wealth management offering for individuals, families, endowments and foundations seeking to protect and grow their assets.

My information is as follows: Thomas Haug - ___ / ___-___-____

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6 months or more

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions


CRM Systems

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