
We are an RIA in Traverse City, Michigan. The two principals are in our 40's and looking grow and acquire other fee-based books of business.
We work primarily with business owners, physicians and retirees. We provide comprehensive planning services for a flat fee for estate, business succession, retirement, and financial planning. When it is a good fit for us and the client we also manage their investments, currently ~$140M.
We take great pride in the fact that many clients have become good friends. We are the go-to and trusted advisor for nearly all of our client families.

Geographically, we are open to AUM books that are regional in Michigan, as well as in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina.

We are happy to answer any preliminary questions via email or a phone call.

Last Activity
2 weeks

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian


Third Party Money Managers


Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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