
$30MM AUM / $235K Gross Revenue / The majority of my book of business is 3rd party money management. I also have a fair amount of Annuities which are currently paying handsomely in trails. I have a small amount of Mutual Funds and Single Stocks. Currently working 200 Accounts and 120 Households. I'm also at 85% fee based and 15% commission.

I've been in the industry for 31 years now. I'm considering retirement within the next 5 years. I say 5 because I'm also working on transitioning my book of business to 100% fee based because I know the value will be greater down the road. I'd entertain brining somebody on with an established book equal to or greater than mine that may want to be my successor or an individual with an offer at 3 to 4 times today's value and sell on the spot. I'm open to having a conversation. However, I do have my goals.

Last Activity
within 3 months
Listing Age
663 days old
Listing Updated
Dec. 21, 2023

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities


Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions


CRM Systems

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