
Our company is called Capital Strategies, ___ We function as money managers using WFA Finet as our custodian and ADV sponsor. We have offices in Fort Lauderdale, New York (Manhattan), San Francisco, and Silicon Valley. 95% of our business is fee based and the majority of it is run by us on a discretionary manner. Our practice is completely client focused, and as such, we pride ourselves on serving our clients with top notch service. We have been associated with WFA Finet for 15 years and have a perfect compliance record. Along with our organic growth, we would like to engage in book purchases and/or mergers. We would like to build upon our present locations and would be interested in having a presence in Los Angeles, Chicago, and in the Rockies (Denver/SLC area). We are well funded and could potentially purchase practices much larger than ourselves. We have a continuity plan and business valuation in place.

Last Activity
6 months or more

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers


Mutual Funds


Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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