
I opened Barons Financial Strategies, Inc. on 12/12/1996. I have 900 clients with $120 million of which $60 million in fee based accounts. Now I have 2 licensed reps working with me on building their practices and mine. We have joint rep codes between Donna & I and Xavier and I. We've been looking for books that are commissioned based that we can convert to fee based. I've been a top producer with INVEST Financial, First Allied Securities and now American Portfolios Financial Services. I've also been the top Bank Producer for Putnam Funds in the banking division from 1992-1994, 3 years in a row. We do personal financial planning, long term care, estate and elder care planning. I personally am a RFC, an IAR through American Portfolios Advisors Inc. and have a life, health and annuity license. I still make house calls and see clients at night and on weekends. Xavier is a CFP and has been in the business since 1996. Donna has been in the business since 1990.

Last Activity
6 months or more

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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