
If any of the following ring true to you, we can help:

1) You have outgrown your bookkeeper, CPA firm, or finance department (your business has become too complex and they are working too much overtime)
2) It's time to modernize your office systems to remain profitable (you have too much paperwork and your accounting systems don't do what you need them to)
3) You consistently struggle with cash flow and sales (you want a more predictable & valuable business that you can someday sell).

We formed Pinewood to seamlessly combine finance + technology to develop recurring revenues, decrease administrative overhead (accounting & staffing costs), and build more resilient and profitable businesses that entrepreneurs can grow for years or monetize through a sale.

Personally, I have developed financial reporting and fraud prevention controls for Fortune 500 companies, represented entrepreneurs in over $500 million in acquisitions, and achieved multi-million dollar sales quotas for a VC-backed SaaS firm (recently acquired).

As I outgrew my cubicle for the last time, I formed Pinewood to provide financial and strategic advisory to entrepreneurs who desire breakout growth but find that their CPA firms are too "old-school" and their investment bankers and consultants are too "Wall Street" to understand them.

We operate as the virtual CFO, finance team, and M&A advisor for technology, software, and service companies between $2-25 million in revenues.

Last Activity
6 months or more

Business Data

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Specializations and Concentrations

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Technology Solutions


CRM System

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