
My agency started in Georgia in 2006. I have been in the insurance industry for 32 years and sold my agency's in Michigan before moving to Georgia 16 years ago. We have a very quiet agency with high retention ratios. We contract with some of the largest insurance companies in the world and our relationship with them means everything. I am looking for an acquisition of an agency that mirrors mine. We write very little non standard business and we are not interested in that type of purchase. A purchase of an agency in close states to Georgia will be considered if that agency has the right fundamentals. The size of the agency we wish to acquire is not as important as the quality. The potential agency should have good retention ratios, loss ratios and a good foundation in the area in which they serve.

Last Activity
6 months or more
Listing Updated
Dec. 21, 2023

Business Data

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Life Insurance Business

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Health Insurance Business


Auto Insurance Business


Home Insurance Business

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Commercial Insurance Business

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Other Insurance Business

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Agency Management System

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