
I have 13 years of experience in financial services and am a CFP designee. I have been out of the industry for the last 3 years to help a childhood friend expand and sell a family business. I am currently employed by Alliance Wealth Partners who clears through Raymond James in a marketing/prospecting role. I am interested in acquiring a practice/multiple practices, or joining a practice in the West Palm Beach, FL area in an effort to relocate my family. As I am not actively involved in the business, I gave very minimal answers to the questions on this site. My team and I had a fairly substantial business before I left the industry, so I have ample experience dealing with high net worth individuals and business owners.

Last Activity
within 6 months

Business Data

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Clearing Firm / Custodian

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Third Party Money Managers

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Mutual Funds

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Variable Annuities

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Insurance Business

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Technology Solutions

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CRM Systems

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